After the outbreak of black fungus and white fungus in the country, here comes a new fungus called “Yellow Fungus” in the country.
Yellow fungus is dangerous than both black fungus and white fungus.
The treatment is done by ENT specialists.
Yellow fungus is a fatal disease as it starts internally and early identification is necessary for treatment.
Symptoms of yellow fungus
- Weight loss
- Lethargy
- Low appetite or no appetite at all
- Leakage of pus
- Slow healing of wound
- Malnutrition
- Organ failure
The only treatment for yellow fungus is antifungal medicine in the form of injection.
Yellow fungus is mainly caused by bad hygiene.
It is very important to clean the surroundings and maintain hygiene.
Remove old foods to help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. Eat only fresh food.
The humidity inside our house is most important as too much humidity causes fungus and bacteria.
The correct humidity level is 30-40%.
- Maintain cleanliness in your surroundings
- Control sugar levels that are raised due to usage of steroids during covid treatment.
- Eat fresh foods. Avoid refrigerated foods.
Please be careful, maintain hygiene, improve immunity levels and control sugar levels.
That is the only solution to get rid of these viruses and fungus.
Read about WHITE FUNGUS as well as BLACK FUNGUS.
Gaining knowledge is not knowing everything about something; it is knowing something about everything.