Black Fungus”, This is the name we are hearing most often now after the severe pandemic of Covid-19.

Black Fungus is also called as “Mucormycosis”.

It is a rare infection that mainly affects persons who are on medication due to covid or other health problems which cause the reduction of the ability to fight with the pathogens.

The fungal spores will be inhaled from the air which affects sinuses and lungs of the individuals.

This fungus mostly affect lungs, brain and sinuses.

black fungus

Common symptoms are:

  • Facial pain
  • Swelling
  • Loose teeth or toothache
  • Nasal blockage
  • Brown nasal discharge
  • Blood through nose
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision with pain
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Blood vomiting
  • Collection of water in lungs

This is usually diagnosed by the ENT examination and MRI.

Generally, this fungus is there since thousand years.

Millions of people who are suffering from diabetes, on steroids have been admitted to hospitals due to this fungus but there is a sudden drop in number of cases since a decade.

There is a sudden rise of black fungus in India. Why?

The main reason is unhygienic oxygen delivery to patients for long durations and usage of steroids.

People who have uncontrolled diabetes, long duration in ICU, transplantation after affects, cancer, etc are the most vulnerable to this fungus.

For diabetic persons, early detection is necessary and diagnostic treatment must be done that affects other organs like kidney. So prevention is mandatory here.

Even though India haven’t experienced severity of fungus in many people who are suffering or recovered from covid till mid may, Some people are affecting with high severity after mid may.

The major reason for this fungus to become active is the use of unhygienic oxygen cylinders and steroids to combat with covid.

Almost everyone is searching for oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators to save their near and dear ones, but due to lack of awareness about the difference between medical oxygen and industrial oxygen, they are losing their loved ones.

oxygen cylinder

Medical Oxygen is a 99.5% purified version and is prepared with repetition of compression, filtration and purification.

These cylinders are rigorously cleaned, disinfected, stored and transported.

This oxygen requires humidification before giving it to patients.

So, it is passed through a container which is filled with sterile water, which must be changed frequently after use.

If the water is not sterile, then that is the potential source of black fungus.

Sterile distilled water

If the water is not humidified before giving to patients, it will dry the mucous membrane and damage the inner lining of lungs.

Usage of steroids must be done at the right time during the treatment of covid-19.

Steroids are effective in fighting the effects of covid and not with virus directly.

It is very harmful if given to patients during early stages of covid. Immunity will get reduced in our body and give virus a chance to replicate.

Giving steroids early to diabetic persons will increase their sugar levels, which further increases the risk of covid-19 as well as black fungus.

Remember, the treatment for black fungus is costly if it is severe, so early detection is in the need of the hour.


The only solution is to use the sterilized water frequently for humidification and distilled water in oxygen cylinders.

All the disposable parts must be changed frequently.

We need to stop the unnecessary usage of steroids.

Keep track of sugar levels of covid recovered persons frequently to save them from this black fungus.

If you are using N95 masks, make sure they are exposed to sunlight after usage for at least 3 days. You can reuse the same mask after 3 days.

Maintain oxygen level in your body and keep track of oxygen levels using pulse oximeter at regular intervals of time.

If we identify the symptoms quickly and act fast, we can get recovered from this fungus.

Make sure to improve your immunity level which is the only way to save from these viruses.

Natural food is the main source to build immunity levels in our body.

Eat fruits, dry fruits, green and leafy vegetables regularly than using vitamins and mineral supplements.

Do exercises regularly for at least 45 minutes and best if done under sunlight.


Do Not Over hygiene. Too much cleanliness results in improving allergies, inflammatory diseases and autoimmune disorders.

Normal development of immune system is not there in children due to absence of exposure to bacteria, viruses and allergens, which results in increasing the chance of disorders within the system.

It is most important to improve good bacteria in our body to fight with these kind of diseases.


So proper balance of bacteria exposure and sanitation must be there in order to limit the spread of infectious diseases.

Maintain cleanliness in your surroundings.

The good thing about this is it is treatable and preventable.

Do not take this black fungus lightly.

This is very rare and non-contagious.

Read till here?!!


Now Its turn for White Fungus that was detected in Bihar in India recently.  

This is more dangerous than black fungus and affects others parts of our body like nails, skin, stomach, kidney, brain, mouth and private parts.


Please be careful, maintain hygiene, improve immunity levels and control sugar levels.

That is the only solution to get rid of these viruses and fungus.


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