
Whenever Rainy season comes every year, we usually hear about the most common virus Dengue, that affects most of the people.

It is caused due to bite of (an infected Aedes species mosquito) dengue mosquito.

Dengue mosquito

Previously these mosquitoes are found most often in rural areas, but now a days these are everywhere in the city also.

Around 40% of worlds population live in areas that are most prone to dengue and other viruses.

Every year around 400 million people are getting affecting with dengue and approximately 22000 people are dying due to dengue.

dengue infection due to mosquito bite

Dengue virus has types 1, 2, 3, 4 and people can be affected with any of these four related viruses and so there are chances that a person can get infected with dengue four times in his or her lifetime.

Scientists are researching to find the solution to prevent dengue virus, but till now there is no specific solution to cure dengue.

So, prevention is better than cure for dengue.

We must be aware of the dengue symptoms and precautions to take to prevent the dengue.

This dengue is a viral infection and cannot transmit from one person to another.

As we experienced the Covid pandemic since 2020, we are already taking precautions to prevent corona virus, in the same way we need to take some more care to prevent dengue virus as well.


Symptoms for Dengue:

symptoms for dengue virus

The following are some of the most common symptoms for dengue fever.

  • Fever
  • Severe headache
  • Vomiting
  • Eye pain
  • Rash
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Bone pain

These symptoms typically last for 2 to 7 days and most people recover within a week.

In some people, the symptoms become worse and become life threatening. That is severe dengue.

Severe dengue causes when the blood clot cells (platelets) in your blood drops. This can lead to internal bleeding, organ failure and even death.

There will be platelets requirement for some severely affected dengue patients. I have written Platelets donation article and you can go through it.

Symptoms for severe dengue.

  • Blood in your urine, stools or vomit.
  • Bleeding in nose or gum.
  • Severe stomach pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Restlessness

Severe dengue is a medical emergency and seek medical attention immediately.



There is no specific treatment for dengue. Some of the tips for patients.

  • Rest as much as possible
  • Patients are advised to stay hydrated.
  • Drink water or liquids with electrolytes to stay hydrated.



preventive measures of mosquito bite

Since there is no specific solution to treat dengue virus, it is better to take care of ourselves from mosquito bites.

Here are some of the precautions to be taken care of.

  • Empty the containers that carry water for longer hours.
  • Make sure to clear the mosquitos inside the bed room before taking rest.
  • Use mosquito repellants or net if possible.
  • Watch the dengue patient very carefully on 3rd day and 7th day of getting fever as to seek medical attention if that becomes severe dengue.

Make sure to get awareness on the dengue and make yourself educated and try to prevent the dengue from your surroundings by maintaining hygiene atmosphere.

Let’s make it a habit to maintain healthy environment around us and prevent these viruses by being responsible.

Comment your views and any other points if you want to add.

Gaining knowledge is not about knowing everything about something; it is about knowing something about everything.

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